Tuesday, September 13, 2011


IMMEDIATE ANIMATED MOVIE CASTING: Kids Voices, Casting Details & Script

Animated Movie Casting for 2 - 12year old kids that are Native British English speakers
[British preferred, will consider American English with the right actor]. 

Descriptions for both 12 year old children are as follows:

Boy:  twelve years old boy should be emotional, humorous and likable. Some kind of insecurity should be inside but overall the voice has to be brave.

Fermale: The voice for the twelve years old girl should be emotional, humorous and likable. In the voice there should be some kind of naivety and anxiousness but at the end it should be courageous.

This is a full dome planetarium animated movie - film production and will be displayed in full dome theaters worldwide.

RUSH MP3 DEMO [with no slate] by 8 AM PDT Wednesday, September 14, 2010 to


TYPE OF DEMO_First Last Name.mp3

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